Answered By: Janelle Wertzberger Last Updated: Aug 19, 2020 Views: 5240
The answer is "yes!" However, depending on the device you have, the vendor platform on which the ebook resides, and the publisher, the process may be more or less complex - and sometimes an ebook download just isn't possible. We want this process to be as intuitive and straightforward as possible for you, and we are keeping abreast of current ebook developments. They come fast and furious, so what frustrates today may be possible tomorrow.
All ebooks provided by Musselman Library are in our catalog, MUSCAT Plus - so you can search for them in the same way you search for any library book here. Many of our ebooks are downloadable (though vendor platform and publisher licenses determine this, not librarians!).
- Most of Musselman Library's academic ebooks reside on the ProQuest Ebook Central platform. These books can be read easily in your browser with their online reader. This is the simplest way to read these books, and if you are logged in with your Gettysburg ID, you can save highlights and annotations within the online reader and access them any time.
- Depending on the publisher's allowance and the library's license of the book, some may be downloadable by chapter, or by the entire book. Chapters download to a pdf (though each book has their own download limit), and full book downloads require the use of Adobe Digital Editions. Typically, a downloaded book is accessible offline for a period of 21 days, after which you must log in and re-download the book to continue using offline.
- Other academic and research book are provided through EBSCO. These are also readable online in your browser, or can be downloaded, either in part or whole depending on the publisher's license agreement.
- OverDrive, our platform for popular fiction and nonfiction titles, are downloadable to most mobile devices and can also be read in your browser. See our OverDrive libguide for more information.
Please contact a reference librarian if you have questions and/or feedback.
We know many of you are reading ebooks for "fun" rather than for class or work. In addition to our OverDrive collection, you may wish to access larger collections of recreational ebooks from public libraries. If you are a resident* of Adams County, PA, and have a library card from the Adams County Library System (ACLS), you have several great options:
- Adams County Library System. Download ebooks from cloudLibrary. These ebooks and audiobooks can be accessed and downloaded through the cloudLibrary app, available for Apple iOS, Android, Windows, Apple, Amazon Fire, Nook and through the Google Chrome Web Store.
- York County Libraries. Visit their webpage for Digital Materials to find out what ebooks are available through York County Libraries. Adams and York counties have reciprocal borrowing, but you will need to apply for a YCL card (see attached file). Important: write your ACLS library barcode number at the bottom of the YCL application! Your number will be the same for both systems.
- Free Library of Philadelphia. Download ebooks from Overdrive in the "Digital Media" collection at the Free Library of Philadelphia (FLP). Again, you will need to obtain a library card from FLP. Any Pennsylvania resident may apply for a Free Library of Philadelphia Library Card online.
Again, please contact us with any questions.
*Students, you are residents and are eligible to get ACLS library cards! But if you have a library card from another county in PA, feel free to access ebooks from your home public library (if they offer ebooks).
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We are happy to announce that we recently added a selection of OverDrive ( ebooks to our library collection.
These popular fiction and nonfiction titles are available to members of the Gettysburg College community.
Learn more on our OverDrive guide: